Kandiyohi County Food Shelf

The Mission for January is the Food Shelf of Kandiyohi County.

In 1982 in Kandiyohi County during a significant recession in the U.S., churches and local social services agencies joined together to establish the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf. Since 1982 the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf has provided a crucial supplement for people who face the loss of a job, a sick family member with large medical bills, or people struggling with disability who cannot find steady employment. Churches, like FPC, provide 17% of the funds necessary to help feed families in Kandiyohi County.

People visit the Food Shelf primarily from:
1. Willmar
2. New London
3. Raymond

In 2023, the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf helped an average of 604 families a month and distributed over 432,000 pounds of food. This is only possible because of the funding and volunteers from churches like FPCW.

Stay tuned to learn more about how you can help lessen food insecurity in our community during the month of January! 

Frontera de Cristo

The Mission Committee now sponsors Mark and Miriam Adams in their involvement in the mission called Frontera de Cristo. Based in the sister cities of Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Frontera de Cristo works to build relationships and understanding across borders. People often see borders as nothing more than division, but at Frontera de Cristo, borders are seen as a place of encounter. Discerning God’s will, Frontera de Cristo serves migrants and community members on both sides of the border.

By demonstrating gospel values in all that they do, Frontera de Cristo seeks to build relationships that demonstrate God’s will, and build bridges rather than walls. So many people are migrating, seeking refuge and fleeing extreme poverty and violence. Our Frontera de Cristo’s goal is not only to address their immediate needs, but also to address the root causes of mass migration, creating safe and prosperous opportunities that allow our sisters and brothers to stay in the land they call home, if they so choose.

Through the building of community-driven partnerships with ministries and secular organizations in DouglaPrieta, Frontera de Cristo offers shelter, resources, education, emotional support, medical care, and new solutions. The hope is that everyone they meet knows they are made in God’s image, they are worthy of respect, and they are welcome here.

Frontera de Cristo also partners in ministry with Café Justo. Café Justo and its sister organization, Café Justo y Mas, operate on a fair trade plus business model. By removing the middleman who purchases coffee from Mexican farmers and sells it to large American corporations, our fair trade plus system creates an opportunity for farmers to be in control of the process from start to finish. From harvesting, to roasting, to packaging, all the way to your doorstep, the cooperative’s partners are involved. This optimizes the farmers’ profits in a way that creates a just and livable income, eliminates their need to head north seeking work, and allows them to stay on their land with their families. Frontera de Cristo has been proud to serve as a partner with Café Justo since its establishment in 2003 and with Café Justo y Mas since its opening in 2016, watching one man’s dream become a reality that provides new life for many through both.

Frontera de Cristo website: http://fronteradecristo.org/ Café

Justo Ministry partner info: http://fronteradecristo.org/cafe-justo/

Sending Wooden Instruments to the Border
for Children & Community Enrichment

January 2024

Pastor Leanne's Trip to the Border

November 2022

Family Promise of
Kandiyohi County

Family Promise of Kandiyohi County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which finds its origin from a national organization stemming from Summit, New Jersey. We are one of approximately 200 affiliates found in 43 states and Washington D.C. FPKC has partnered with 12 local congregations (and 13 support churches) to provide shelter, meals and hospitality to homeless families within the Willmar/Kandiyohi County area. Our goal is to do whatever we can to assist homeless families gain emergency shelter, daily meals, and partner with local agencies to equip families with the skills they need overcome homelessness. We believe that families need a “hand up,” not just a “hand out.” 

Check out more of what Family Promise is and offers at their website: 

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Blessing Box

We, at the First Presbyterian Church, have placed a Blessing Box at the front of our church at 316 Sixth Street SW in downtown Willmar and we are seeking donations from you and others to help our brothers and sisters in need. The following is a list of suggested supplies: Food items (non-perishable) -- canned goods, soup mix, cake mix, rice, cereal, noodles, peanut butter, snacks, ramen/instant meals, Hamburger Helper, mac & cheese, fruit, vegetables, bread/buns, baking items, condiments, coffee, juice boxes, seasoning items, crackers. Personal hygiene -- toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, soap, lotion, toilet paper, feminine products, tissue, Q-tips. Baby/child items -- diapers, wipes, baby food, baby cereal, pacifier, powder, lotion, bottles, powder formula. Misc. items -- pens/pencils, paper, seasonal items, gloves,books, small toys, gift items. Prohibited items -- home-baked goods, expired opened goods, alcohol, tobacco, sharp objects.

Ministry Meals 

Every Second Wednesday of the Month (during the school year) our Mission Committee donates, makes, and provides a meal during the lunch hours (11-1:30) for students at Ridgewater College in the Ministry Department of the college!! The Mission Commitee is always willing to have volunteers to help out each month if available!! If so, contact the church office for more details.

Ridgewater Campus Ministry Fall 2023 Update

American Red Cross

First Presbyterian Church of Willmar also supports the American Red Cross. Each year in December we host a blood drive here at the church.

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Meals on Wheels

The First Presbyterian Church of Willmar we help out with Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels has been guided by a single goal since the first known U.S. delivery by a small group of Philadelphia citizens in 1954 – to support our senior neighbors to extend their independence and health as they age. What started as a compassionate idea has grown into one of the largest and most effective social movements in America, currently helping nearly 2.4 million seniors annually in virtually every community in the country. If you would like to sign up to help deliver Meals on Wheels, contact the church office.