Worship Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these ministries of hospitality, please contact Shara Goldenstien or Pastor Leanne

Worship Volunteer 
Sign Up

To volunteer and sign up for any of the things listed below please use the QR Code to the left to do so. Thank you all in advance!

Valet Parking

Provides assistance to those with limited mobility who are attending adult education and worship - valet parkers are also the first to greet people as they arrive to church, so be prepared to assist visitors find their way.

● Plan to be at church ready to park at 8:45am.
● The valet sign and name tags are located in the closet near the front entrance to the narthex.
● In addition to parking cars, be prepared to assist people who are being dropped off, especially if they use a wheelchair.
● When someone uses the service to have their car parked, have them wait inside the front door while you park the car. Return their keys and ask them if they will be leaving right after the service or staying for coffee hour - plan to be available to retrieve the car at the designated time.


Welcome people to worship and assist people as necessary.

● Arrive 30 minutes before the service.
● Acquaint yourself with the location of the bulletins, sermon manuscripts, candle lighter, and assisted listening devices, and other supplies you may need - if you have problems locating something, look in the ushers closet at the far back of the sanctuary.

● Light the candles.
● Turn on the cross lights (remote is by the cross).
● Welcome worshipers as they arrive, providing them with a bulletin.
● Provide a listening device to those who request one - power it on and show them where to adjust the volume.

During Service
● If people fill out prayer request forms and hand them to you or place them in the offering plate, please deliver them to the pastor during the hymn before the sermon.
● Count attendance and record in the Usher’s Closet - please include the infants and children in the nursery and anyone assisting with worship and nursery - don’t forget to count yourself.
● Collect the Offering - we are not currently passing the offering plate, but an usher will bring the plate forward during the doxology and offering prayer - following the offering prayer, return the plate to the back of the sanctuary and place the offering in the offering envelope and place in Usher’s Closet.
● On communion Sundays, come to the front of the center aisle when those serving Communion are asked to come forward, dismiss people row by row for communion, allowing space so that people are not crunched together in the center aisle, and they do not have to stand for a long time making their way forward.
● Be prepared to respond to emergencies that may arise during the service.

● Extinguish the candles.
● Turn off the cross lights (remote is by the cross).
● Leave the bulletins on the back table of the Sanctuary (Shara will take care of them).
● Make sure all the listening devices are put away. 


Operate the PowerPoint Worship Display on Sunday Morning.

● Plan to arrive 30 minutes before worship begins.
● Start the computer, turn on the projector at the front of the sanctuary, and turn on the TV at the back of the sanctuary.
● Open that days presentation saved on the computer desktop - double click on the file, click on “slideshow” and “from beginning” to launch the presentation.
● Review the worship manuscript at the presentation so you are acquainted with the slide changes.
● A remote is available so that you may sit anywhere in the sanctuary to operate the presentation.
● Following worship: return the remote to its box in the sound booth, turn off the projector and tv, shutdown the computer. 

Pulpit Assistant

Assist with announcements, liturgy, and prayers during the worship service.

● Shara will provide the Pulpit Assistant with the Worship Manuscript by Thursday the week ahead of worship.
● Arrive 20 minutes early to review the service with the preacher.
● Be prepared to lead the beginning portion of the service, and on occasion, the prayers following the sermon. 

Song Leaders

Assist with leading hymns on traditional music Sundays.

● Shara will provide you with a bulletin by Thursday the week ahead of worship so you are aware of the hymns.
● Please arrive 15 minutes early to check in with the organist OR come at 9am if you would like to rehearse any of the hymns.
● During the hymns, stand at the pulpit and lead the singing - you do not need to announce the hymns, just sing them. 

Communion Servers

Must be ordained as an Elder or Deacon to serve on Communion Sundays

● Please arrive 15 minutes before the service and meet at the narthex kitchen to coordinate with other Communion servers - select a pair of gloves to use when you are serving.
● You will be invited forward by the pastors when it is time to serve.
● Go directly to one of the two stations on either side of the Communion Table and the pastors will bring you the bread and the chalice - look for tape on the floor marking where you should stand.
● As you tear off the bread and hand it to people, make sure to tear off a sufficiently large piece so that they won’t have to dunk their fingers in the juice
● Words as you distribute bread: “the bread of life” or “the body of Christ broken for you”.
● Words as they dip in the cup: “the cup of salvation” or “the blood of Christ shed for you”.
● After the line has gone through, the pastors will come down and go through, and then they will take the bread and cup and serve you (you will tear off your own piece of bread as they hold the loaf). 

Coffee Hour Servers

● Coffee servers for a Sunday are to bring either baked goods or store bought baked goodies
● During the last hymn of the worship service, excuse yourself and go to the fellowship hall to start the coffee pots and get the goodies prepared. Prep for this can be done before worship service, as well.
● Coffee server can then help serve the coffee and goods and then clean up a little after everyone starts leaving for the day.